European Competition Developments, Issue 2 (August 2019)

6. August 2019

It is true that the competition never sleeps: For an overview of current events in competition policy and enforcement in the EU, check out our second issue of European Competition Developments for the latest on current events in competition policy and enforcement in Europe put together by our counsel Kajetan Rozga and our associate Magdalena Nowak.

Whistleblowing protections in the CEE and the impact of the recent EC directive

1. August 2019

In this article, we look at what the EC’s directive might mean for whistleblowers and their employers within the context of the current patchwork of regulations in several CEE jurisdictions.

Beleidigungen im Internet – Facebook als Hüter von Recht und Ordnung?

10. Juli 2019

Beleidigungen im Internet – Facebook als Hüter von Recht und Ordnung? Unsere Partnerin Dr. Sonja Dürager, die sich unter anderem auf IT-Recht, Marken-, Urheber-, Datenschutz- und Wettbewerbsrecht spezialisiert hat, hat zu diesem umstrittenen Thema einen Artikel geschrieben:  

Navigating Austria’s Transaction Value Merger Filing Threshold

3. Juli 2019

The recent addition of a transaction value threshold warrants closer scrutiny of merger filings in Austria, but it need not cause a rush to file every deal that appears to meet its requirements on paper. In this article, Florian Neumayr and Kajetan Rozga talk about how to hit the sweet spot of avoiding a needless filing while being discerning enough not to trigger a costly failure-to-file proceeding. The lessons learned may prove useful not only in navigating Austrian merger control but also in informing the broader debates over whether to implement similar thresholds in other jurisdictions such as the EC.

Guide zu Shareholder Activism & Engagement: Österreich-Kapitel von Christoph Nauer und Daniel Reiter

02. Juli 2019

International nehmen Shareholder Activist-Kampagnen stark zu. Ein Trend auch am österreichischen Markt. Für börsenotierte Unternehmen ist es empfehlenswert, sich auf Strategien und den Umgang mit aktivistischen Aktionären vorzubereiten.

Four Common Pitfalls of Austrian Merger Filings (English)

18. Juni 2019

Austrian law requires notifying transactions to the competition authorities in some unexpected circumstances. In this article, Astrid Ablasser-Neuhuber and Kajetan Rozga discuss four common pitfalls of Austrian merger control law that can lead to a missed or delayed filing.

Knowing how to spot these risks and when to seek the expertise of local counsel can help in avoiding the negative consequences of a late filing on the deal as well as a potentially costly and distracting failure-to-file proceeding.

European Competition Developments, Issue 1 (May 2019)

28. Mai 2019

Lesen Sie die erste Ausgabe von European Competition Developments zusammengestellt von unserem Anwalt Kajetan Rozga.

The Law Reviews: Österreich-Kapitel zu Tax Disputes vom bpv Hügel Tax-Team

16. Mai 2019

Die bpv-Partner Gerald Schachner und Kornelia Wittmann sowie Rechtsanwalt (RAK FFM) und Steuerberater (StBK Hessen) Nicolas Wolski verfassen das Österreich-Kapitel in „The Tax Disputes and Litigation Review“.