bpv Hügel advises RAIFFEISEN-Holding on increasing its share in AGRANA

3. March 2014

bpv Hügel advised the main Austrian shareholders on the structure of the transaction and on questions regarding corporate law, capital market law and tax law.

Book launch at Aula der Wissenschaften: “Regulierungsrecht der Netzwirtschaften” (Regulatory law)

23. January 2014

On January 23rd 2014, bpv Hügel and publisher Verlag Österreich presented the habilitation treatise “Regulierungsrecht der Netzwirtschaften”

bpv Hügel advised BAWAG on the sale of BAWAG P.S.K. Fuhrparkleasing GmbH

3. October 2013

Supported by bpv Hügel, BAWAG successfully sold BAWAG P.S.K. Fuhrparkleasing GmbH to LeasePlan Österreich Fuhrparkmanagement GmbH.

Supported by bpv Hügel, Raiffeisen-Holding sells yoghurt manufacturer NOM Dairy

13. September 2013

Bpv Hügel advised Raiffeisen-Holding on the sale of its dairy manufacturer NOM Dairy, located in Telford (Great Britain).

Capital Increase of Erste Group Bank AG

23. July 2013

bpv Hügel advised Erste Group Bank AG on a capital increase.

Capital Increase of Valneva

27. June 2013

Valneva SE, which emerged from the merger of Intercell AG and Vivalis SA, increased its capital by EUR 40m an the end of June 2013.

Austrian Competition Law Newsflash

1. March 2013

March 1st, 2013, brings a number of important changes to Austrian competition law.