Guide on Remuneration Policy – Say-on-Pay on Executive Remuneration in Austria

28 May 2020

Say-on-pay put a spotlight on executive remuneration of listed companies. The Guide shall support the members of the supervisory board and the members of a remuneration committee to comply with their duties imposed upon them.

Webinar | The Latest on Competition Law in the COVID-19 Context

28 May 2020

On 28 May 2020, our partner Christian F. Schneider will speak on the Competition law related UIA webinar about State aid implications of COVID-19.

Webinar | Four weeks experience with the virtual shareholders’ meeting – first experiences

27 May 2020

Christoph Nauer, corporate and capital markets partner at bpv Huegel, together with notary Rupert Brix and Andreas Böcskör, Investor Relations at Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG, present “Four weeks of experience with virtual shareholders’ meeting” at the Business Circle Webinar on 27 May 2020.

COVID-19 Legal Update: Court proceedings via video conference

25 May 2020

According to the previous “Corona legal situation”, oral hearings were only to be held if, after careful consideration of all circumstances, the continuation of the proceedings appeared to be urgently necessary and the public interest in preventing the dissemination of COVID-19 did not prevail. Furthermore, restrictions apply to the operation of the court. In order to avoid a backlog of negotiations, the possibility of holding hearings via video conference has now been established:

bpv Huegel advised Raiffeisen Informatik on the placement of SoftwareONE shares in an accelerated bookbuilding process

19 May 2020

bpv Huegel advised Raiffeisen Informatik on the sale of shares in SoftwareONE Holding AG placed in an over-night accelerated bookbuilding process.

Breakfast Briefing (Webinar): „Online-Werbung in der Krise” – Status-Quo und Neuigkeiten zur ePrivacy-Verordnung

14 Mai 2020

Covid-19 hat dazu geführt, dass Alerts, Newsletter und E-Mail-Werbung noch mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen als dies bereits bisher der Fall war. Ziel ist es, Kunden auf die eigenen Produkte und Dienstleistungen trotz der Beschränkungen Geschäftslokale zu betreten, beständig aufmerksam zu machen. Der Umstand, dass die Krise dazu zwingt, auf andere Kommunikationsmittel als das persönliche Kundengespräch auszuweichen, erlaubt dabei jedoch nicht, die Regeln für E-Mail-Werbung außer Acht zu lassen.

New commentary on the Austrian Stock Corporation Act

4 May 2020

Elke Napokoj and Michaela Pelinka, partners at bpv Huegel in Vienna, together with Heinrich Foglar-Deinhardstein, partner at CERHA HEMPEL Rechtsanwälte, have published a practical commentary on the Austrian Stock Corporation Act in the renowned publishing house LexisNexis.

Trend business magazine 2020: bpv Huegel has been recognized once again among the best of the best

30 April 2020

bpv Huegel has been recognized once again among the best of the best in an annual lawyers ranking done by Trend business magazine 2020. We received distinctions in the categories of M&A, antitrust law, public economic law and restructuring/insolvency. Astrid Ablasser-Neuhuber ranks for more than 15 years among the 3 “most skilled antitrust law experts” […]

Oberhammer, bpv Huegel and DLA Piper at the first virtual shareholders’ meeting

28 April 2020

The law firms Oberhammer Rechtsanwälte, bpv Huegel and DLA Piper, acted with Ewald Oberhammer, Christoph Nauer and Christian Temmel, as independent proxies at the first virtual general meeting of a listed company in the German-speaking countries, together with Wilhelm Rasinger from the Interessensverband der Anleger (IVA).

bpv Huegel listed again in the JUVE-Ranking as leading law firm in capital markets and banking & finance

23 April 2020

23 April 2020. We are pleased to be listed again as leading law firm in the latest issue of the industry media JUVE. Our capital markets team and the banking & finance team is one of the best in Austria. “The strength of this practice is particularly evident at the interface of corporate/M&A and capital […]