Further boost: bpv Huegel wins Andrea Zinober, an experienced specialist in Unfair Competition and Distribution Law

07 July 2021

Andrea Zinober joins bpv Huegel from Northcote.Recht. As proficient Business Lawyer, she specialises in distribution and unfair competition law and is now the fourth new arrival since the beginning of the year to foster bpv Huegel’s recent expansion.

Legal Update: The overall reform of the execution law – GREx

01 July 2021

The overall reform of the execution law (GREx) came into force on 01.07.2021. It provides for a number of changes, in particular with regard to the execution options relating to movable assets. The amendment will be applicable to execution applications received by the court after 30.06.2021.

bpv Huegel’s tax team contributes the Austrian chapter to the Corporate Tax Planning Law Review

30 June 2021

Once again, members of bpv Huegel’s Tax Team contribute the Austrian chapter to the “Corporate Tax Planning Law Review” published by The Law Reviews. Gerald Schachner, Kornelia Wittmann, Nicolas Wolski and Lucas Hora provide an overview of current and upcoming topics in international tax planning.

Handelsblatt Ranking: bpv Huegel again “Law Firm of the Year” and among the “Best Lawyers” in Austria

25 June 2021

bpv Huegel again amongst the “Best Laywers” in Austria! We are pleased about a number of awards in the Handelsblatt Ranking. In addition bpv Huegel has been named “Law Firm of the Year” for the expertise in Competition/Antitrust Law.

Digital Conference | blockchain-REAL 2021: The Blockchain in the Life Cycle of Real Estate

24 June 2021

“Blockchains” as the topic of a digital conference of the Linde Verlag on 24 June 2021 with the expertise of bpv Hügel.

Course Corporate Law/M&A: “Corporate Governance in the Group” – Lecture by Michaela Pelinka

19. June 2021

Michaela Pelinka, Partner at bpv Huegel, will give a lecture on legal issues regarding the structuring of compliance organizations in corporations at Danube University in Krems, a leading university in Europe, on June 19, 2021.

“Shareholder disputes in Corona times” – an article by Daniel Zahourek and Johannes Mitterecker

18 June 2021

Shareholder disputes are complex and fought out on many different fronts. The rights to information and disclosure in particular play a decisive role. Only a shareholder who is “armed” with all the information will be able to prevail in a dispute with his fellow shareholders.

First hand expert know how: Update & Special Issues in Antitrust Law – partners of bpv Huegel lecture

16 | 17 June 2021

Top-notch practical advice and update on developments at national & European level. Florian Neumayr and Gerhard Fussenegger, bpv Huegel, will lecture on antitrust law on 16 and 17 June 2021.

bpv Huegel advised on the sale of a majority stake in the traditional Viennese company WOJNAR to VIVATIS Holding AG

11 June 2021

VIVATIS acquires a 74 percent majority stake in WOJNAR and becomes a strategic partner. A bpv Huegel team led by Thomas Lettau advised the family-owned holding company on the sale of its majority stake in the WOJNAR Group and on entering into a strategic partnership with VIVATIS. The sale was carried out by way of a limited auction. Completion of the transaction is expected in the third quarter of 2021.

Focus Sports Law: Interview with bpv Huegel sports law expert Johannes Mitterecker on the topic of “Third Party Ownership

21 May 2021

Focus Sports Law: At the latest since the reports in the magazine “News” on the Jürgen Werner and LASK case, the topic of “Third Party Ownership” (TPO) has been on everyone’s lips. In the environment of LASK, speculation with transfer rights of players is said to have taken place and thus a lot of money […]