Lawyer, university professor and role model: Hanns F. Hügel died suddenly at age 66.

* 1951 † 2017
Moedling/Vienna, November 2017. With the unexpected death of Prof. Hanns F. Hügel, Austria lost one of its best-regarded legal experts. For his broad expertise, his commitment and his human and professional qualities, Hanns F. Hügel was highly respected at home and abroad.
As his colleagues at Vienna University’s Faculty of Law stated on the occasion of his 65th birthday, Hanns F. Hügel was „among the leading personalities in business law“. His interdisciplinary approach, combining practical experience and in-depth knowledge, allowed him to assume a leading role in many areas of company and tax law in Austria and Germany.
Founding partner of bpv Huegel
The partners of bpv Huegel: „The outstanding personality of Hanns F. Hügel and his strategic foresight were unique. His strength and precision when representing the interests of our clients have strongly influenced our whole firm.“
The universal, integrated advisory approach of Hanns F. Hügel can be felt at all four bpv Huegel locations: around 50 lawyers of the international partnership work on important transactions in all areas of business law. Hanns F. Hügel himself, fully committed, worked successfully for the firm’s clients together with his partners to the last.
Hanns F. Hügel was the quintessential lawyer – but also a university professor who with zest imparted his knowledge to his students over several decades. His publications on tax and company law are outstanding, widely used, and appreciated by the members of the legal profession. The so-called „Huegel seminar“ conceived and held by him at the University of Vienna law school was legendary: over 23 years he assembled the most brilliant legal minds as lecturers and students.
Like no one else, Hanns F. Hügel knew how to enthuse lawyers to work at the firm he had founded. Many of those who learned from him became long-term professional companions, and are partners in the firm today.
„All partners and employees of bpv Huegel admire Prof. Hanns F. Hügel’s lifetime achievements. We mourn him, but we are also glad to have been able to learn from him and work with him. His enthusiasm for and dedication to his work as a lawyer were exceptional. We will hold his memory in the highest esteem and will proudly continue to advise our clients in the way he did“, the partners of bpv Huegel stated.
Press Release
[Book of condolence]
[Obituary by Sabine Kirchmayr – Gunter Mayr – Paul Oberhammer – Friedrich Rüffler – Ulrich Torggler (RdW)]
[Obituary by Susanne Kalss (GesRZ)]
[Obituary by Thomas Wenger (RWZ)]
bpv Hügel Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Dr. Christoph Nauer, Partner
Office: +43 2236 89 33 77