Previous Events

DGRI-D-A-CH conference: “AI or not AI” with partner Sonja Dürager

27 - 29 June 2024

Sonja Dürager, Partner and Head of IP/IT/Data Protection is hosting the welcome evening of the DGRI (The German Association of Law and Informatics e.V.) D-A-C-H conference on the topic of “AI or not AI” together with bpv Huegel.

Course “Regulatory Law” by Christian F. Schneider at Vienna University

15. March 2024

The course 030715 “Regulatory Law”, part of the core area of the elective subject “Public Economic Law”, will be held by our partner Christian F. Schneider also in the Summer Term 2024. Every Friday from 12 am to 1:30 pm as in-class lecture in lecture hall U 16 at the Juridicum, starting on 15 March […]

Annual conference: Flexible Corporate Law 2024 with Partner Elke Napokoj

13 March 2024

Partner and Co-Head of the Corporate/M&A Practice Elke Napokoj will give a presentation on “Authorized Capital” of the new FlexCo on the occasion of the MANZ Annual Conference on Flexible Corporate Law, which will take place on 13 March 2024.

The network event at IRI§24

14 February 2024

On the evening before IRIS24 (, EUROLAWYER® and bpv Huegel invite you to a reception where IRIS24 participants can discuss the top issues of the following days in a relaxed atmosphere before the official start of IRIS.

Live Streaming • Seminar | Stock Corporations-Shareholders‘ Meeting

20 June 2023

Christoph Nauer, corporate and capital markets partner at bpv Huegel, together with the professional head Rupert Brix as well as Christoph Diregger (DSC Doralt Seist Csoklich) and Matthias Potyka (BMJ) present the first seminar on the “Virtual Shareholders’ Meetings Act (VirtGesG)” at the Shareholders’ Meeting Conference (Business Circle Seminar Series 2023) on 20 June 2023.

Course Corporate Law/M&A: “Corporate Governance and Compliance in the Group” – Lecture by Michaela Pelinka

18 June 2023

Michaela Pelinka, Partner at bpv Huegel, will give a lecture on legal issues regarding the structuring of compliance organizations in corporations at Danube University in Krems, a leading university in Europe, on June 18, 2023.

11th Graz Energy Law Day: Lecture “jurisprudence on energy law in 2022” by Christian F. Schneider

1. June 2023

On 1 June 2023, our partner Priv.-Doz. DDr. Christian F. Schneider gives a lecture on “jurisprudence on energy law in 2022” at the 11th Graz Energy Law Day at Graz University.

Perspectives Tax Lawyer – Panel Discussion with Partner Gerald Schachner

08 May 2023

“Tax Lawyer – Perspectives for a Lawyer’s Career in Tax Law”: The Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law of the Vienna University of Economics and Business is hosting a panel discussion with top-class tax law experts under this title.

Course Corporate Law/M&A: “Reorganisations in the Group” – Lecture by Elke Napokoj

02 May 2023

Elke Napokoj, Partner at bpv Huegel and Co-Head of Corporate M&A, will give a lecture on the topic of “Reorganisations in the Group” at the Corporate Law/M&A course on 2 May 2023.

Course “Regulatory Law” by Christian F. Schneider at Vienna University

20. March 2023

The course 030715 “Regulatory Law”, part of the core area of the selective subject “Public Economic Law”, will be held by our partner Christian F. Schneider also this year. Every Monday from 12 am to 2 pm as attendance teaching in lecture hall U12 at the Juridicum, starting on 20 March 2023. The script is available for […]

Conference “The opening up of competition of passenger rail transport in Europe“ in Paris on 3 February 2023 with Christian F. Schneider

03 February 2023

Our partner Christian F. Schneider (Head of our Environmental Public Regulatory practice group) will speak at the conference “The opening up of competition of passenger rail transport in Europe” on 3 February 2023 in Paris. The speech will discuss the market opening of passenger rail services and the related legal remedies, both under Austrian and under German law.

Digital Conference of the European Tax & Legal Forum – Future in Tax and Economy on 6. and 7. December with Gerald Schachner

6|7 December 2022

We are extremely pleased that our partner and Head of Tax Gerald Schachner will moderate the panel on International Tax Law at the Digital Conference of the European Tax & Legal Forum on December 7th.

13th Annual International Taxation in CEE on 24 and 25 November 2022 in Prag with Kornelia Wittmann and Nicolas Wolski

24 | 25 November 2022

Be part of the 13th Annual International Taxation in CEE (Prague):
Our partners Kornelia Wittmann and Nicolas Wolski will talk about the latest developments in Austrian international tax law.

Conference “Erneuerbare Energie Kärnten 2022“ at Velden on 3 November 2022 with Christian F. Schneider

03 November 2022

Our partner Christian F. Schneider (Head of our Environmental Public Regulatory practice group) will speak at the “Konferenz Erneuerbare Energie Kärnten 2022” (Conference Renewable Energy Carinthia 2022) on 3 November 2022 in Velden (Carinthia, Austria) on the topic “How can energy transition succeed?” The speech will discuss the deficiencies of the legal framework and what legal measures could facilitate the expansion of power generation from renewables.

Up-to-date lectures: Meet us at RuSt in Rust 2022

13 and 14 October 2022

Erstklassige Updates über aktuell relevante Neuerungen und Entwicklungen.

Sports Law Conference Erlangen on 27 and 28 May 2022 with Lukas Reiter

27 and 28 May 2022

“European State Aid Law in the Sports Sector”: Our associate Lukas Reiter (Competition & Antitrust│Sports Law) will speak at this year’s Sports Law Conference Erlangen on 27 and 28 May 2022 on this topic.

bpv Huegel BREAKFAST BRIEFING: The management of the target company in an M&A transaction

25 May 2022

Die wichtige Rolle, die das Management der Zielgesellschaft bei einer erfolgreichen M&A-Transaktion spielt, wird oft unterschätzt. Unter dem Motto “Starten Sie – nicht nur auf kulinarischer Ebene – reichhaltig in den Tag” geben unsere Partner Thomas Lettau und Nicolas Wolski am 25. Mai 2022 Einblicke aus rechtlicher und steuerlicher Sicht.

Panel Discussion with Gerald Schachner – Perspectives as a Tax Lawyer

05 May 2022

“Tax Lawyer – Perspectives for a Lawyer’s Career in Tax Law”: The Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law of the Vienna University of Economics and Business is hosting a panel discussion with top-class tax law experts under this title.

Seminar on antitrust law with Florian Neumayr

25 and 26 April 2022

The seminar series under the general technical management of Florian Neumayr, Co-Managing Partner of bpv Huegel, will provide an overview on antitrust law and the current developments in that area.

Whistleblowing: Capital Markets Law Day with Partner Elke Napokoj

31 March 2022

Partner and Co-Head of the Corporate/M&A practice Elke Napokoj will present on the topic “Whistleblowing – source of knowledge for the capital market?”.

Course “Regulatory Law” by Christian F. Schneider at Vienna University

18 March 2022

The course “regulatory law” of Christian F. Schneider will be held again online this year, starting on 18 March 2022. The script is available for download here.

AIJA congress “Innovation: Exploring tomorrow’s legal world”

24-28 August 2021

This year, the 59th congress organized by the International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) will take place in Zurich and will focus on innovative legal concepts.

Digital Conference | blockchain-REAL 2021: The Blockchain in the Life Cycle of Real Estate

24 June 2021

“Blockchains” as the topic of a digital conference of the Linde Verlag on 24 June 2021 with the expertise of bpv Hügel.

Course Corporate Law/M&A: “Corporate Governance in the Group” – Lecture by Michaela Pelinka

19. June 2021

Michaela Pelinka, Partner at bpv Huegel, will give a lecture on legal issues regarding the structuring of compliance organizations in corporations at Danube University in Krems, a leading university in Europe, on June 19, 2021.

First hand expert know how: Update & Special Issues in Antitrust Law – partners of bpv Huegel lecture

16 | 17 June 2021

Top-notch practical advice and update on developments at national & European level. Florian Neumayr and Gerhard Fussenegger, bpv Huegel, will lecture on antitrust law on 16 and 17 June 2021.

Let’s talk … “Tax Lawyer – Perspectives for a Career in the Field of Tax Law?” – Gerald Schachner, Partner at bpv Huegel, joins the Career Talk

11 May 2021

Online | 11 May 2021 First-hand information – Gerald Schachner, partner and head of the tax law practice at bpv Huegel, together with MMag. Clemens Willvonseder (Binder Grösswang), Dr. Katharina Kubik, (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer) and MMag. DDr. Babette Prechtl-Aigner (LeitnerLaw) will once again talk on 11 May 2021 about “Tax Lawyer – Perspectives for a […]

Course Corporate Law/M&A: “Reorganisations in the Group” – Lecture by Elke Napokoj

22 April 2021

Elke Napokoj, Partner at bpv Huegel and Co-Head of Corporate M&A, will give a lecture on the topic of “Reorganisations in the Group” at the Corporate Law/M&A course on 22 April 2021.

Course “Regulatory Law” by Christian F. Schneider at Vienna University

19 March 2021

The course “regulatory law” of Christian F. Schneider will be held online this year, starting on 19 March 2021. The script is available for download here.

Digital Conference: European Tax & Legal Forum

26 | 27 November 2020

The European Tax & Legal Forum, one of the network forum Tax & Legal Excellence annual conference, is the leading digital conference for tax, law and business in the German-speaking world.

RuSt and Corporate Lawyers-Circle 2020

15/16 October2020

Hochkarätiges juristisches Wissen an 3 Tagen: Zum ersten Mal werden die RuSt in Rust sowie das Unternehmensjuristen-Circle terminlich und örtlich zusammengeführt.

Open Air Fotofestival

10 September2020

bpv Hügel lädt zum Outdoor Festival nach Baden bei Wien ein.

Webinar | The Latest on Competition Law in the COVID-19 Context

28 May 2020

On 28 May 2020, our partner Christian F. Schneider will speak on the Competition law related UIA webinar about State aid implications of COVID-19.

Webinar | Four weeks experience with the virtual shareholders’ meeting – first experiences

27 May 2020

Christoph Nauer, corporate and capital markets partner at bpv Huegel, together with notary Rupert Brix and Andreas Böcskör, Investor Relations at Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG, present “Four weeks of experience with virtual shareholders’ meeting” at the Business Circle Webinar on 27 May 2020.

Breakfast Briefing (Webinar): „Online-Werbung in der Krise” – Status-Quo und Neuigkeiten zur ePrivacy-Verordnung

14 Mai 2020

Covid-19 hat dazu geführt, dass Alerts, Newsletter und E-Mail-Werbung noch mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen als dies bereits bisher der Fall war. Ziel ist es, Kunden auf die eigenen Produkte und Dienstleistungen trotz der Beschränkungen Geschäftslokale zu betreten, beständig aufmerksam zu machen. Der Umstand, dass die Krise dazu zwingt, auf andere Kommunikationsmittel als das persönliche Kundengespräch auszuweichen, erlaubt dabei jedoch nicht, die Regeln für E-Mail-Werbung außer Acht zu lassen.

Course “Regulatory Law” by Christian F. Schneider at Vienna University

13 March 2020

Script for the course “Regulatory Law” by Christian F. Schneider at Vienna University during summer term 2020 Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the University is currently closed, and the course will be held later.

Retail trade and the challenge of online income with turnover rents

20 March 2020

Event has been postponed due to the current situation. As soon as there is a new date, we will communicate it via our website and the bpv Huegel LinkedIn account.
Since many goods are purchased via online shops and this reduces the direct turnover of the shop premises, these are often to be included in turnover-based rents. There are various options for structuring newly concluded rental agreements; older agreements often require adjustment.

“Huegel Seminar”: Is the principle of separation under group law still tenable?

18 March 2020

On March 18th, our Partner and Co-Head Corporate/M&A Elke Maria Napokoj will speak at the Huegel Seminar at the Juridicum on current developments in corporate law: Is the principle of separation under group law still tenable?

Antitrust law in practice

18-19 March 2020

For many years, we have been organising a leading seminar on antitrust law together with Business Circle. Dr. Florian Neumayr, Co-Managing Partner at bpv Huegel, will again chair the seminar from 18 – 19 March 2020.

Meet our Partners at the IBA Conference in Paris

6 February 2020

Our Partner and Co-Head Corporate/M&A Elke Napokoj and Arthur Braun, Partner at bpv Braun Partners in Prague and Bratislava, will attend the 8th IBA European Corporate and Private M&A Conference in Paris from 6th to 7th of February, 2020. Looking forward to meeting you there! Information about the IBA Conference

UIA Annual Business Law Forum Geography and Digital World in Amsterdam co-organised by bpv Huegel

30 January 2020

Gerhard Fussenegger, Partner in our Brussels and Vienna office, is leading the discussion of the Competition Law Panel at the 11th UIA Annual Business Law Forum – Geography and the Digital World – in Amsterdam.

Seminar Stock Corporations-Shareholders’ Meeting: “Remuneration Policy – First Experiences and Questions of Design” – presented by Christoph Nauer

28 January 2020

Christoph Nauer, corporate and capital markets partner at bpv Huegel, talks on “Remuneration Policy” at the seminar Stock Corporations-General Meeting (Business Circle seminar series 2020) on 28 January 2020.

bpv Huegel 20th anniversary in Brussels

12 December 2019

bpv Huegel celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Brussels office with over 100 international guests as part of its traditional Brussels Christmas party.

Intra-group Financing – Tax Pitfalls and Current Developments

29 November 2019

Full House beim bpv Breakfast Briefing mit Vertretern aus der Konzern-, Finanz- und Bankenwelt.

Keynote @”Competition Symposium” of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO)

22 November 2019

On November 22, 2019, Florian Neumayr, Co- Managing Partner, Head of the Practice Group Dispute Resolution and Co-Head Practice Group Competition at bpv Huegel, will give a keynote at the XVII Competition Symposium on more arbitration in competition law disputes and private enforcement.

Meet our Partner Elke Napokoj at the IBA Private Equity Transaction Symposium in London

21 November 2019

IBA Symposium | 21  November 2019 Our Partner Elke Napokoj will be attending the IBA Private Equity Transaction Symposium at the Four Season Hotel in London on 21 November 2019. To arrange a meeting please send a personal message to Information about the event

Annual Conference on Group Law 2019

14 November 2019

Am 14. November 2019  referiert unsere Partnerin Dr. Sonja Dürager bei der Jahrestagung Konzernrecht 2019  (Gesellschaftsrecht- Arbeitsrecht- Datenschutz- Haftungsfragen)

Meet our Partners at the UIA Congress

6 November - 10 November 2019

Our Partners Astrid Ablasser-Neuhuber and Florian Neumayr will attend the 63rd UIA Congress in Luxembourg.

Participation @jussuccess

29 October 2019

Career Fair | 29. October 2019 On Tuesday 29 October 2019 9.30- 16.30 we will again be represented at jussuccess, the career fair for law students and graduates at the Juridicum. Find out more about our practice fields by talking to our partners, lawyers and associates! We look forward to welcoming you at our stand no. […]

Meet us in Rust at the RuSt 2019

17 October - 18 October 2019

Annual conference for law and taxes (Business Circle). The organisation of the work stream for capital markets law is led by Christoph Nauer. Lecture “Internet-Business and Antitrust” by Astrid Ablasser-Neuhuber. Workshop on M&A litigation by Thomas Lettau and “Update Corporate and Capital Markets Law” with Christoph Nauer.

Meet our Real Estate Partners at the Expo Real in Munich

7 October - 9 October 2019

Our two Real Estate specialists, Michaela Pelinka and Dominik Geyer, Partners at bpv Huegel, will participate at the upcoming Expo Real, the International Trade Fair for Property and Investment in Munich.

Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) 10th Annual Business Law Forum

20 September 2019

bpv Huegel has the pleasure in co-organising and sponsoring the UIA 10th Annual Business Law Forum about “E-commerce & Platform Businesses: Latest Legal Trends and Corporate & Manager Liability” in Vienna on September 20-21, 2019.

Meet our Partners at the IBA Conference in Seoul

22 September - 27 September 2019

Florian Gibitz and Gerald Schachner, partners at bpv Huegel, joined by Arthur Braun, partner at bpv Braun Partners, will attend the 2019 Annual Conference in Seoul.

Meet our Tax Lawyers at the IFA Congress in London

8 September - 12 September 2019

Gerald Schachner, head of tax at bpv Huegel, joined by Anca Grigorescu, tax partner at bpv Grigorescu Stefanica, will participate at the upcoming International Fiscal Association (IFA) in London.

Seminar: Correct Behaviour at Dawn Raids

27 June 2019

Gerhard Fussenegger works as a partner for bpv Huegel in Brussels and Vienna. He advises on European and Austrian antitrust and merger control law, European law and distribution law. On June 27, 2019, Gerhard Fussenegger will give a lecture at the ARS seminar centre on the topic: How to respond to a dawn raid! Click here […]

Dos and Don’ts for the location surcharge

13 June 2019

The 32nd bpv Huegel-Breakfast Briefing dealt with the location surcharge for indicative rent.

„For your eyes only“ – the protection of trade secrets in companies

21 May 2019

Presentation by Dr. Sonja Dürager at the symposium of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce “For your eyes only” – the protection of trade secrets in companies

9th Energy Law Day Lecture “Recent case law regarding energy” in Graz

16. May 2019

Lecture “Recent case law regarding energy” by our partner Priv.-Doz. DDr. Christian F. Schneider on the occasion of the 9th Energy Law Day in Graz at Graz University.

“Antitrust Law 2.0” – Challenges in Digital Change

13. May 2019

The 31st bpv Huegel-Breakfast Briefing dealt with current antitrust challenges for companies in the digital context.

Gerald Schachner, partner at bpv Huegel, talks career opportunities in tax law at WU panel discussion

6. May 2019

First-hand information from representatives of leading law firms at the panel discussion: On 6 May 2019 Gerald Schachner, head of bpv Huegel’s tax law practice, will be a member of the guest panel at the “career talk” on the opportunities for a career in tax law.

Lecture by Julia Nicolussi at the prestigious Wiener Bilanzrechtstage 2019

26. April 2019

Die renommierten Wiener Bilanzrechtstage 2019 hatten das Generalthema „Organe von Unternehmen in Recht und Rechnungswesen“ aus gesellschafts- und steuerrechtlicher Sicht.

Upcoming seminars and lectures on tenancy and residential law by Ingmar Etzersdorfer

1. April 2019

On 1 April 2019 Ingmar Etzersdorfer will at the Innsbrucker Wohnrechtlicher Dialog (IWD), a series of lectures at the Faculty of Law of the University of Innsbruck, about the influence of German tenancy law on recent decisions of the Austrian Supreme Court and doctrine in Austria. On 9 April 2019 he will discuss topics around contracts based on the MRG (Austrian Tenancy Act) at the Akademie für Recht, Steuern und Wirtschaft (ARS) and on 11 April 2019 on modification rights according to the Austrian Civil Code (ABGB), Austrian Tenancy Act (MRG) and Austrian Condominium Act (WEG) at the Wohnen Plus Academy, both seminars will take place in Vienna.

“Say on pay” – Additional transparency on executive remuneration

28 March 2019

The expert audience at bpv Huegel’s 30th Breakfast Briefing discussed the upcoming right of shareholders to vote on the remuneration policy, following Christoph Nauer’s and Daniel Reiter’s joint presentation of the new EU Directive.

Tenancy and residential law – upcoming seminar by Ingmar Etzersdorfer

20. March 2019

At a real estate conference on 20 March 2019, Ingmar Etzersdorfer, Attorney at Law at bpv Huegel, will give an overview on similarities and material differences related to maintenance obligations and improvements under the Austrian Tenancy Act (MRG), Austrian Condominium Act (WEG) and Cooperative Act (WGG).

Antitrust Law 2019 – What you need to know about the barriers and possibilities of antitrust law

19. March - 20. March 2019

The antitrust laws draw limits in many areas – but they also create opportunities. Knowing these is crucial in order to choose the right forms in practice and to avoid antitrust violations. Otherwise, not only high fines but also claims for damages by private plaintiffs may be the consequence.

Course “Regulatory Law” by Christian F. Schneider at Vienna University during summer term 2019

08. March - 21. June 2019

The course takes place, in the period indicated above, every Friday in lecture room SEM62 of the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna, Juridicum, Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Vienna.

20th Wiener Juristengespraeche – Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligence

6. March 2019

bpv Huegel welcomed 120 participants to an international symposium at the STRABAG Kunstforum. The symposium was dedicated to the topic of legal opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence with the goal of merging legal issues and technical understanding.

Conference “Planning in Infrastructure Law”

7. March 2019

Our partner Priv.-Doz. DDr. Christian F. Schneider will present on 7.3.2019 at the conference “Planning in infrastructure law” at the Juridicum of the University of Vienna on the topic “Planning in heavy current law”.

20th Wiener Juristengespräche – Risks and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence

1. March 2019

Will there be a paradigm shift in the legal and commercial world?
In the race for new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Blockchains, new legal and commercial challenges but also chances for economic growth through automatization are arising.

Seminar Stock Corporations: “Update on Voting Guidelines International Proxy Advisors” – presented by Christoph Nauer

27. February 2019

Christoph Nauer, corporate and capital markets partner at bpv Huegel, reports on 27 February 2019 on “Election and resolution proposals – Update on Voting Guidelines of International Proxy Advisors” at the seminar Stock Corporations-General Meeting (Business Circle seminar series 2019).

University Course on Information Law and Legal Information at the University of Vienna

18. January - 19. January 2019

Priv.-Doz. DDr. Christian F. Schneider, Partner at bpv Hügel, is Lecturer for Regulatory Law at the University of Vienna and held a course on telecommunications law on 18-19 January 2019.

Breakfast Briefing: M&A – processes augmented by Artificial Intelligence

29. November 2018

Case study with Peter Wallqvist, VP of Strategy – iManage, London. The role A.I. plays in M&A  transactions for information processing (preparation and conduct of due diligence from sell side and buy side perspective).

Lecture: Michaela Pelinka as speaker at the AIJA Conference Brussels 2018

29. August 2018

AIJA is the International Association of Young Lawyers and organizer of the 56th Congress, which will take place this year from 28 August – 01 September 2018 in Brussels. Dr. Michaela Pelinka, National Representative AIJA, will lead the workshop “Brick and Mortar Stores: Where distribution agreements meet local lease law”. Further information can be found […]

High-level conference for M&A professionals – lecture from Thomas Lettau. bpv Hügel, on “Key points” and pitfalls in M&A contracts

16. May 2018

Thomas Lettau, Corporate/M&A-Partner at bpv Hügel, reports on “Key points” and pitfalls in M&A contracts in the Business Circle seminar series “M&A – Legal & Tax Optimization” taking place on 16 May 2018.

Course “Regulatory Law” by Christian F. Schneider at Vienna University during summer term 2018

09 March - 22 June 2018

The course takes place, in the period indicated above, every Friday in lecture room 62 of the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna, Juridicum, Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Vienna.

Seminar shareholders’ meetings of stock corporations: Capital issuances with exclusion of subscription rights – presented by Christoph Nauer, bpv Hügel

20. February 2018

Christoph Nauer, corporate and capital markets partner at bpv Hügel reports on capital issuances with exclusion of subscription rights at the seminar shareholders’ meetings of stock corporations on 20 February 2018 (Business Circle seminar series capital markets law 2018). Capital issuance with exclusion of subscription rights and the required shareholders’ resolutions are a sensitive topic and practically very relevant for listed companies. For listed companies in particular with a widespread shareholder base (free-float) the voting policies of proxy advisors have to be taken into consideration.