COVID-19 Legal Update: Control of 2019n-CoV by the Epidemic Law 1950

12 March 2020

On 10th and 11th March 2020 the Austrian government announced drastic measures to combat the coronavirus. Our partner Christian F. Schneider explains the main legal bases.

Retail trade and the challenge of online income with turnover rents

20 March 2020

Event has been postponed due to the current situation. As soon as there is a new date, we will communicate it via our website and the bpv Huegel LinkedIn account.
Since many goods are purchased via online shops and this reduces the direct turnover of the shop premises, these are often to be included in turnover-based rents. There are various options for structuring newly concluded rental agreements; older agreements often require adjustment.

“Huegel Seminar”: Is the principle of separation under group law still tenable?

18 March 2020

On March 18th, our Partner and Co-Head Corporate/M&A Elke Maria Napokoj will speak at the Huegel Seminar at the Juridicum on current developments in corporate law: Is the principle of separation under group law still tenable?

Antitrust law in practice

18-19 March 2020

For many years, we have been organising a leading seminar on antitrust law together with Business Circle. Dr. Florian Neumayr, Co-Managing Partner at bpv Huegel, will again chair the seminar from 18 – 19 March 2020.

European Competition Developments, Issue 4 (March 2020)

10 March 2020

For an overview of current events in competition policy and enforcement in the EU, check out our fourth issue of European Competition Developments for the latest on current events in competition policy and enforcement in Europe put together by our counsel Kajetan Rozga.

bpv advises HYPO NOE on the sale of real estate service companies in the CEE countries

09 March 2020

HYPO NOE has sold real estate service companies in five CEE countries, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Northern Macedonia. A bpv team led by Thomas Lettau, bpv Huegel, Co-Head Corporate/M&A, advised HYPO NOE on this transaction.

Cartel Regulation 2020 in Austria

25 February 2020

Our Partners Astrid Ablasser-Neuhuber and Florian Neumayr contributed a detailed article about the current status as well as the changes in cartel regulation in the Austrian market to the publication “Cartel Regulation 2020” by Lexology and “Getting the Deal Through”

The EU-Meldepflichtgesetz – Is the taxpayer now required to explain to the tax authorities how he avoids taxes?

20 February 2020

What must companies do to prepare for the upcoming reporting obligation? – Today’s bpv Breakfast Briefing dealt with possible consequences for companies and provided practical insights.

GDPR: Decision of the DPA on the partial erasure of personal data as part of a customer retention programme

18 February 2020

What happens if a participant of a customer retention programme requests the partial erasure of his data? Read about the latest decision of the DPA by our associate Emanuel Hackl

bpv Huegel Partner Christian F. Schneider honoured at the prestigious Client Choice Awards 2020

13 February 2020

Christian F. Schneider obtained the international award in the category “Energy & Natural Resources” for Austria.