On 1 April 2019 Ingmar Etzersdorfer will present at the Innsbrucker Wohnrechtlicher Dialog (IWD), a series of lectures at the Faculty of Law of the University of Innsbruck, about the influence of German tenancy law on recent decisions of the Austrian Supreme Court and doctrine in Austria. On 9 April 2019 he will discuss topics around contracts based on the MRG (Austrian Tenancy Act) at the Akademie für Recht, Steuern und Wirtschaft (ARS) and on 11 April 2019 on modification rights according to the Austrian Civil Code (ABGB), Austrian Tenancy Act (MRG) and Austrian Condominium Act (WEG) at the Wohnen Plus Academy, both seminars will take place in Vienna.
The influence of German tenancy law on recent decisions of the Austrian Supreme Court and doctrine in Austria
Lecture / 1 April 2019, University of Innsbruck
The Faculty of Law of the University of Innsbruck organizes a series of lectures called Innsbrucker Wohnrechtlicher Dialog (IWD). Ingmar Etzersdorfer will analyse the influence of German tenancy law on Austrian. His lecture will mainly focus on §§ 305 ff BGB, the decisions of the German Supreme Court and the relationship to § 879 para 1 u 3 § 879 para 3 of the Austrian Civil Code (ABGB).
Contracts based on MRG (Austrian Tenancy Act)
Seminar / 9 April 2019, Vienna
Different matters have to be taken into account when drafting rental agreements depending on the scope of application of the MRG (fully, partial or not at all). During this seminar Ingmar Etzersdorfer will address issues ranging from relevant basics of the ABGB, MRG and the Consumer Protection Act (KSchG), most recent decisions of the Supreme Court to the question if “location surcharges” are permitted. You will benefit from practical tips and boilerplate provisions.
Registration and agenda
Alterations – rights according to ABGB, MRG and WEG
Seminar / 10 April 2019, Vienna
Seminar participants will gain knowledge on requirements, pitfalls and possible problems related to alterations of rented properties. Ingmar Etzersdorfer will provide an overview of the respective legal requirements, differences and similarities in the three residential laws ABGB, MRG and WEG and discuss possibilities and limits of contractual agreements. In addition, the different procedures for the enforcement of alterations as well as possible legal remedies against unauthorized alterations of owners and tenants will be addressed.
Registration and agenda
Lectures will be held in German.