Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) 10th Annual Business Law Forum

20 September 2019

bpv Huegel has the pleasure in co-organising and sponsoring the UIA 10th Annual Business Law Forum about “E-commerce & Platform Businesses: Latest Legal Trends and Corporate & Manager Liability” in Vienna on September 20-21, 2019.

Artificial intelligence – the focal point of data protection law

13 September 2019

Das 33. bpv Hügel-Breakfast Briefing befasste sich mit aktuellen Herausforderungen für Unternehmen im digitalen Kontext.

Dos and Don’ts for the location surcharge

13 June 2019

The 32nd bpv Huegel-Breakfast Briefing dealt with the location surcharge for indicative rent.

“Antitrust Law 2.0” – Challenges in Digital Change

13. May 2019

The 31st bpv Huegel-Breakfast Briefing dealt with current antitrust challenges for companies in the digital context.

Lecture by Julia Nicolussi at the prestigious Wiener Bilanzrechtstage 2019

26. April 2019

Die renommierten Wiener Bilanzrechtstage 2019 hatten das Generalthema „Organe von Unternehmen in Recht und Rechnungswesen“ aus gesellschafts- und steuerrechtlicher Sicht.

Upcoming seminars and lectures on tenancy and residential law by Ingmar Etzersdorfer

1. April 2019

On 1 April 2019 Ingmar Etzersdorfer will at the Innsbrucker Wohnrechtlicher Dialog (IWD), a series of lectures at the Faculty of Law of the University of Innsbruck, about the influence of German tenancy law on recent decisions of the Austrian Supreme Court and doctrine in Austria. On 9 April 2019 he will discuss topics around contracts based on the MRG (Austrian Tenancy Act) at the Akademie für Recht, Steuern und Wirtschaft (ARS) and on 11 April 2019 on modification rights according to the Austrian Civil Code (ABGB), Austrian Tenancy Act (MRG) and Austrian Condominium Act (WEG) at the Wohnen Plus Academy, both seminars will take place in Vienna.

Tenancy and residential law – upcoming seminar by Ingmar Etzersdorfer

20. March 2019

At a real estate conference on 20 March 2019, Ingmar Etzersdorfer, Attorney at Law at bpv Huegel, will give an overview on similarities and material differences related to maintenance obligations and improvements under the Austrian Tenancy Act (MRG), Austrian Condominium Act (WEG) and Cooperative Act (WGG).