Open Air Fotofestival

10 September2020

bpv Hügel lädt zum Outdoor Festival nach Baden bei Wien ein.

Webinar | The Latest on Competition Law in the COVID-19 Context

28 May 2020

On 28 May 2020, our partner Christian F. Schneider will speak on the Competition law related UIA webinar about State aid implications of COVID-19.

Webinar | Four weeks experience with the virtual shareholders’ meeting – first experiences

27 May 2020

Christoph Nauer, corporate and capital markets partner at bpv Huegel, together with notary Rupert Brix and Andreas Böcskör, Investor Relations at Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG, present “Four weeks of experience with virtual shareholders’ meeting” at the Business Circle Webinar on 27 May 2020.

Course “Regulatory Law” by Christian F. Schneider at Vienna University

13 March 2020

Script for the course “Regulatory Law” by Christian F. Schneider at Vienna University during summer term 2020 Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the University is currently closed, and the course will be held later.

Retail trade and the challenge of online income with turnover rents

20 March 2020

Event has been postponed due to the current situation. As soon as there is a new date, we will communicate it via our website and the bpv Huegel LinkedIn account.
Since many goods are purchased via online shops and this reduces the direct turnover of the shop premises, these are often to be included in turnover-based rents. There are various options for structuring newly concluded rental agreements; older agreements often require adjustment.

“Huegel Seminar”: Is the principle of separation under group law still tenable?

18 March 2020

On March 18th, our Partner and Co-Head Corporate/M&A Elke Maria Napokoj will speak at the Huegel Seminar at the Juridicum on current developments in corporate law: Is the principle of separation under group law still tenable?

Antitrust law in practice

18-19 March 2020

For many years, we have been organising a leading seminar on antitrust law together with Business Circle. Dr. Florian Neumayr, Co-Managing Partner at bpv Huegel, will again chair the seminar from 18 – 19 March 2020.

UIA Annual Business Law Forum Geography and Digital World in Amsterdam co-organised by bpv Huegel

30 January 2020

Gerhard Fussenegger, Partner in our Brussels and Vienna office, is leading the discussion of the Competition Law Panel at the 11th UIA Annual Business Law Forum – Geography and the Digital World – in Amsterdam.

Seminar Stock Corporations-Shareholders’ Meeting: “Remuneration Policy – First Experiences and Questions of Design” – presented by Christoph Nauer

28 January 2020

Christoph Nauer, corporate and capital markets partner at bpv Huegel, talks on “Remuneration Policy” at the seminar Stock Corporations-General Meeting (Business Circle seminar series 2020) on 28 January 2020.

Keynote @”Competition Symposium” of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO)

22 November 2019

On November 22, 2019, Florian Neumayr, Co- Managing Partner, Head of the Practice Group Dispute Resolution and Co-Head Practice Group Competition at bpv Huegel, will give a keynote at the XVII Competition Symposium on more arbitration in competition law disputes and private enforcement.