bpv Huegel listed again in the JUVE-Ranking as leading law firm in capital markets and banking & finance

23 April 2020

23 April 2020. We are pleased to be listed again as leading law firm in the latest issue of the industry media JUVE. Our capital markets team and the banking & finance team is one of the best in Austria. “The strength of this practice is particularly evident at the interface of corporate/M&A and capital […]

Legal 500-Ranking: bpv Huegel achieves top rankings

16 April 2020

bpv Huegel is pleased to be selected once again as one of the best law firms in Austria in numerous areas of expertise in the international legal ranking The Legal 500 EMEA 2020.

Kehrtwende: OGH erleichtert Umgründungen

2 April 2020

Der Oberste Gerichtshof hat eine bemerkenswerte Kehrtwende vollzogen: Wird eine AG oder GmbH auf eine andere Kapitalgesellschaft verschmolzen, bleiben ihre Vor- und Wiederkaufsrechte bestehen. Lesen Sie dazu den ganzen Artikel unseres Partners Florian Plattner, der im Rechtspanorama vom 31.03.2020, Die Presse, erschienen ist. Zum Artikel

bpv Huegel advised Valneva SE in its successful $85 Million Financing Arrangement with Leading US Healthcare Funds

18 March 2020

bpv Huegel advised Valneva Austria GmbH, Vienna, in its debt financing transaction with funds managed by leading US-based healthcare investment firms.

Office Information

16 March 2020

For legal questions and measures relating to Covid-19/Corona and its economic impact and of course all other topics, do not hesitate to reach out to your contacts at bpv Huegel.

bpv Huegel again achieves top rankings at Chambers Europe

13 March 2020

bpv Huegel is once again in the top league in the international lawyers’ ranking Chambers & Partners – Europe’s leading lawyers for business.

bpv Legal | Tschechien: Ein- und Ausreiseverbote nach Tschechien und Slowakei

13 March 2020

Aufgrund des COVID-19-Virus gelten erhebliche Beschränkungen des Reiseverkehrs von und nach Deutschland und Österreich.

bpv advises HYPO NOE on the sale of real estate service companies in the CEE countries

09 March 2020

HYPO NOE has sold real estate service companies in five CEE countries, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Northern Macedonia. A bpv team led by Thomas Lettau, bpv Huegel, Co-Head Corporate/M&A, advised HYPO NOE on this transaction.

bpv Huegel Partner Christian F. Schneider honoured at the prestigious Client Choice Awards 2020

13 February 2020

Christian F. Schneider obtained the international award in the category “Energy & Natural Resources” for Austria.

Recognition of our Partners as Thought Leaders by Who´s Who Legal

11 February 2020

We are glad to announce that our partners Astrid Ablasser-Neuhuber and Florian Neumayr once again have been recognised for their legal expertise as “Thought Leaders for Competition 2020” by Who´s Who Legal.