Friday, April 27 | 14.00 to 19.00
Saturday, April 28 | 10.00 to 13.30
Our associate Lukas Reiter (Competition & Antitrust│Sports Law) will speak at this year’s “Erlanger Sportrechtstagung” (Sports Law Conference Erlangen) on 27/28 May 2022 in Erlangen (Germany) on the topic of “European State Aid Law in the Sports Sector”. He will address the existing decision-making practice, fundamental questions and new developments at the interface of sport, sports subsidies and EU state aid law.
Sports law is subject to continuous development, which is advancing into more and more areas of law. At EU level, sport has recently received increased attention in the area of state aid law, as shown, e.g., by the decision of the CJEU of 4 March 2021, C-362/19P (Commission/FC Barcelona). In general, state support in the sports sector must be in line with the standards of EU state aid law.
The Erlanger Sports Law Conference is organised annually by the Research Centre for German and International Sports Law and the Institute for German and International Sports Law (Forschungsstelle für Deutsches und Internationales Sportrecht und Institut für Deutsches und Internationales Sportrecht e.V.) and addresses current issues in sports law.
You can find the full programme of this year’s event here (in German).