Sabine Alvarez Privado specialises in public procurement, medical and contract law and also advises clients in Spanish and French.

Sabine Alvarez Privado advises public contracting authorities on the preparation and handling of procurement procedures and market investigations, particularly in the IT/technology, healthcare and construction sectors. She has many years of experience in negotiating and reviewing contracts. In medical law, she deals with the establishment of medical associations, advising public hospitals and medical liability issues.

Recent work highlights (including matters prior to joining bpv Hügel)

  • Advising numerous public contracting authorities on the preparation and handling of various award procedures and market investigations in the areas of IT/technology, healthcare and construction
  • Advising public contracting authorities in data protection matters
  • Advising public hospitals on medical, data protection and public procurement law matters
  • Negotiation and review of framework agreements and master agreements, in particular in the field of IT/technology
  • Advice on the establishment of a cross-border laboratory association
  • Advice on medical liability, information and consent
  • Preparation of expert opinions in the field of public procurement law, data protection, IT law
  • Advising Spanish and French-speaking clients on cross-border matters


  • Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien
  • Österreich-Spanische Juristenvereinigung (Vorstandsmitglied und Vize-Schatzmeisterin)
  • Österreichischer Juristenverein – Konzipientenverband
  • Österreichische Gesellschaft für Medizinrecht


  • Vergaberecht in Österreich – Jahreskongress zum Thema Vergaberecht und Energierecht  der Österreich-Spanischen Juristenvereinigung  – Juni 2023
  • Die Rahmenvereinbarung im Kontext vom BVerG 2018 unter besonderer Bezugnahme auf IT-Verträge – IT Masterlehrgang, Universität Wien, 2019
  • Entscheidungsunterstützung im Gesundheitswesen – Workshop Medizinische Kooperationen in der Primärversorgung – Kooperations- und Gesellschaftsformen, Wirtschaftliches Risiko und Haftung, Vertragswesen (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH 2014)
  • Rechtliche Gestaltung medizinischer Kooperationen – Grundlagen und Rahmenbedingungen in Ö, D, CH (Öst. Medizinrechtstag 2013)
  • Anwendung standardisierter Aufklärungsmethoden in der zahnärztlichen Praxis (AAELFV – soirée médecins – 2009)

Education and professional development

After graduating with honours from the Lycée Français de Vienne, Sabine Alvarez Privado studied law with a focus on medical law in Vienna and French-speaking Switzerland, as well as business administration with a focus on corporate management, management consulting and controlling, and strategy and organisation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. Further stays abroad for internships and studies led her to Spain and Latin America.

After gaining practical experience in the notary’s office, the European Consumer Centre and in management consultancy, she worked in renowned commercial and public procurement law firms. She joined the bpv Hügel team in 2023.

German, English, Spanish, French
